simple a is for apple flash card
We spent at least 4 hours trying to find simple "A is-for-apple" flash cards to teach our 2 and a half year old son the alphabet. Apparently, those aren't mainstream enough anymore to find on the shelf because they're not branded by the latest NickJR character.

Sesame Street was able to balanced entertainment with education perfectly. In order to learn, sure the content has to be engaging, but modern 'educational' media goes over-the-top with the entertainment component at the expense of substance. Kid's TV has attention-getting down to a pure science, but they are teaching nothing apart from how to zone out, sit back and be entertained.

As for the flash cards -we didn't find any -ironically, I had to resort to making my own PowerPoint presentation -a high-tech solution I know- in order to escape from the empty complexity offered in what I used to know simply as 'flash cards'.

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
Sunny day
Sweeping the clouds away
On my way
To where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street
How to get to Sesame Street

Come and play
Everything's A-OK
Friendly neighbors there
That's where we meet
Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street
How to get to Sesame Street

It's a magic carpet ride
And your door will open wide
To happy people like you
Happy people like
What a beautiful


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